Liberty Fighters Asks High Court to Review Registered COVID-19 Vaccines

On Friday the unshakable freedom organization, Liberty Fighters Network (LFN), lodged an Application in the High Court Gauteng Division Pretoria to review and set aside the decisions by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) to register some COVID-19 vaccines, which it states in court papers, were done under ‘very peculiar’ circumstances.

Apparently five COVID-19 vaccines – Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), Ad26.COV2.S (Johnson & Johnson), Covishield (Oxford/AstraZeneca), Covilo (Sinopharm), and CoronaVac (Sinovac) – had been registered at a time when the World Health Organisation (WHO) had not even formally approved any COVID-19 candidate vaccine and all these listed are still in clinical trials with outstanding studies to be completed.

We have requested SAHPRA during April to provide us with the full record of those decisions and has it failed to do so without providing any reason,” says De Beer. “The entire approval process of these five registered COVID-19 vaccines was covered in secrecy and demands proper answers, especially for all citizens who allegedly died after receiving one and those who had been forced or coerced by their employers to get vaccinated or be dismissed,” voices De Beer.

SAPHRA will have to produce the full records of these decisions to the Registrar of the High Court within the next three weeks when LFN may then supplement their court papers if it so wishes.

The application also requests that SAHPRA produce evidence that the SARS-Cov-2 virus has in fact been isolated which would then enable a vaccine against it to be developed. “Without evidence of a virus the entire approval of these vaccines would be automatically null and void and would further render a knockout blow to the entire COVID-19 disease,” adds De Beer confidently.

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